Supervision Training, Professional Education, and Group Supervision.
20-22 January Brisbane
16-18 June Brisbane
7-9 July Townsville
20-22 October Brisbane
Other locations in QLD can be conducted with minimum of 6 participants.
Certificate in Individual and Group Supervision
Supervision Training Services offers the Certificate in Individual & Group Supervision using the “STS model” of supervision - the number 1- 3 days supervision course in Australia.
Fast ~ Effective ~ Accredited ~ Cost effective ~ Satisfying ~ Applicable & Practical.
· It is suitable for: Practitioners seeking registration as a Clinical/Counselling Supervisor
o Mental Health practitioners in private practice.
o Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) who deliver welfare and counselling services
o Qualified individuals looking to advance experience.
o School Counsellors, Teachers, Social Workers, Mental Health Workers.
o Counsellors, irrespective of experience, wanting to gain more insight into the responsibilities of both the Supervisee and what they should expect from their respective Supervisors.
· This model is beneficial to Supervisors and Counsellors who find themselves providing Professional Supervision as part of their role and need to augment their proficiency with specific Supervisor training.
· The program provides a foundation to Professional and Clinical Supervision for the Health, Allied Health, and all practices of a similar nature whose members subscribe to a reputable Professional Organisation with a conditional component requiring Supervision.
· We offer our services – inhouse- to all businesses, organisations, and NGOs.
AIMs of the Course
· To provide course participants with the necessary knowledge, which when combined with appropriate practical experience, serves as a foundation for a career as a Professional Supervisor.
· To enable a clinically competent practitioner to function effectively in working and thinking at the level of a supervisor
· To provide a guide for learning and development processes, educator, organiser, innovator/researcher & mentor.
· To provide certified training of a high standard, with content integrity and in line with industry requirements
· To maintain & support high ethical standards and degrees of competency in the Allied Health profession.
· To equip supervisors with the competencies required for dealing with the 21st century issues of Clinical Supervision.
· Course sizes are limited to provide optimum personal education, experiential learning, and group cohesion.
Group Supervision 2025
Group supervision is a wonderful way to access supervision. It is cost effective, allows you to share within a safe and understanding group environment, collaborate on best practice and grow yourself. In work that is often quite isolating, it is great to come together in solidarity and support.
$60 per session
Second Tuesday of every month Group Supervision 4-6pm (QLD time)
Fourth Tuesday of every month Group Supervision on Supervision 12-2 (QLD time)
Bookings essential as numbers are limited.
Professional Education Series
Ongoing education is important to our profession. It assists practitioners in being relevant and also improves their overall competency. Whether its learning something new or being re-reminded of something its important to stay fresh in the are of ongoing education. Message me below if you would like the Education series schedule for counsellors and supervisors.